Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You The Man Extra Credit

I think that the one man show "Your The Man" focused on the many different aspects of domestic violence. You don't have to be the abuser or the one being abused in order to be apart of domestic violence. As seen in the play none of the characters were directly in the abusive relationship, but they were all affected by it. 'Virgin Larry' was peer pressured into witnessing domestic violence, Jana's father saw what she was going through however didn't know how to approach her, Mitch was the main one trying to get through to Jana, and 'Stan the Man' was basically giving advice on different relationship situations that may lead to domestic violence. All of these characters were affected by domestic violence without really knowing it.

A main dynamic that could lead to staying in a relationship with domestic violence is commitment/love. In Jana's case, she loved her boyfriend so much that she was committed to staying with him. I think that this commitment that one person has can lead to hope. The person getting abused is sop committed to their abuser that the 'hope' that they will change. When Jana is talking with Mitch in the library she lists the bad thing that her boyfriend does in the relationship, however she then goes on to say that he was so loving that she hopes that he can change. She believes that maybe if she stops doing what she is doing, he will stop taking his anger out on her. In the 'Virgin Larry' case, he was so committed to being popular (and apart of the basketball team) that he went against what he knew was wrong and watched a video of his teammate raping a girl. He saw that the girl protested a little, but he still didn't think that his team mate was capable of doing something like that. Since he went along with something he knew was wrong, he had to face the repercussions.

I also think that the person being abused has such a low self esteem that they are committed to the idea of being in love, leading to them staying abusive relationships. Like Jana, they may truly believe that their partner loves them. Despite the abuse going on in the relationship, the companionship with the other person may actually boost their low self confidence. Jana began telling her friend Mitch things like "He didn't mean it" or "He really does love me" to hide her abuse, but also to make herself believe that her boyfriend does really love her (to help boost her self esteem).

I feel the "You The Man" play is very beneficial to teenagers, especially the freshman who were the majority at the play and the discussion. When it comes to domestic violence teenagers think that it cant happen to them. The play is good for people in this age range because it shows domestic violence from so many different point of views (Jana's Dad, Jana's friend, a relationship adviser, Jana's teacher, and a teenager who has witnessed abuse) that were relatable. These point of views of the different characters showed how you can be affected to domestic violence even if you aren't directly apart of it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 54

The results of my Myers-Brigg's test was ESFJ, which stands for Extroverted (59.38%), Sensing (51.28%), Feeling (52.94%), and Perceiving (50%). I feel that this test is somewhat accurate. Based off of my results I feel like they do explain who I am to an extent. The program described me as a "Seller", someone who is sociable and would be a great hostess. They have me down as an extroverted very talkative person, which i feel is not completely true. Yes, I can be talkative at times, but a lot of the time i feel like I'm a more private person. Especially when it comes to meeting new people, and being in a new environment. I also feel like the results where correct when it came to SF. I'm a very emotional person, and sometimes let my emotions take over my decision making.

I think that these results would be more useful if the test was taken multiple times, to see if I got the same or similar results. If these results were to seem accurate, they could explain why i act/feel the way I do, or may clear up my personality.

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48

-black male teacher
- rough background
- teaches students what they need to survive

It's Mr. Raymond's first day as a a high school math teacher. As he walks into the building, he can't help but remember his years here. Years of comming just for attendence, and cutting class, until finally he was sent to a detention center for selling drugs outside of school.

(Flash to the empty class room) As he is preparing his class he can't help but think of his purpose here. He knows what his students are struggling with between school and their personal lives. He wants to make sure that what they are learning in his math class will benefit them in the future.

As the year goes on, the students become restless and start to question what the hell is algebra going to do for them in the future?

Mr. Raymond presents students with their first assignment. Pick any career you want and create a monthly budget using the algebraic strategies they've been discussing.

Follow a couple of students journey through the assignment. Those who struggle with it, and then those who are excited about their potential career.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HW 46

During the break instead of reading a novel, I decided to read a few articles and did a interview on my topic. The 3 articles I read were "Schooling in Capitalist America Revisited" by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis (26pgs.), "Why is Corporate America Bashing Our Public Schools" by Kathy Emery and Susan Ohanian (16pgs.), and "Channel One Enters the Media Literacy Movement" by Steven Manning (4 pgs.).

The main article I read was " Schooling in Corporate America Revisited". the article is basically the revisions of their original book ("Schooling in Capitalist America"), with new evidence that supports or goes against their previous views. Their objective was for education to help make a better economy for everyone without the different prejudices. They were hoping that learning opportunities wouldn't limit people from obtaining the education they wanted. America is still struggling to obtain these objectives. These objectives are looked through human development, inequality, and social change to see how education is affected.

Parts of this article relate to my topic because it shows how public education fails in some ways. The article basically gave me another point of view on schools. Besides explaining how society has an effect on education, it also explained the social aspect of school. How family income offers advantages and disadvantages when it shouldn't. Also how schools in America really only prepare students for 'the hierarchical structure of the modern corporation'.

I totally agree that schools just prepare us for the adult work environment. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but isn't school supposed to be about learning about various topics so you you can be an 'all- around smarter person)? Preparation for working is all hat matters. It seems like less time is focused on the curriculum of school, and more on the social aspect of it. The ideas of respect , authority, compromise, and many other communication skills come from being in school (If not already being taught at home). Being able to succeed in any type of workplace seems to be the focus of schools in America.

Monday, March 15, 2010

HW 45 - More Big Thoughts on Schools

From these texts on Sizer and Hirsch, both were founding fathers of two forms of education. Hirsch who focuses on elementary schools, believes in testing and knowing the facts. He believes that first grader should be able to "read and know basic number facts by the end of the first grade". This doesn't seem hard to do, since most first graders (that i know) are able to do this. Sizer however believes that students should be able to leave high school with a higher understanding of things, and a valuable worker in the community.

I agree with Hirsch's technique and think that it works for the age group he is targeting. In elementary school kids are still eager to go to school. They haven't yet started to feel that they hate school and its pointless. I think that since they are still in the process of becoming independent from their parents, they are more eager to learn and go along with what they're learning.

Even though I don't fully agree with Sizer's point of view, I think that it fits society now. Today knowing the facts are enough of a challenge. It seems like now a days everyone is being challenged to question things and know how to think deeper about a situation. I don't think that taking a test or drilling math facts will help contribute to something like problem solving. I think it is beneficial for the student to think deeper or about different aspects of a topic rather than just knowing the facts.

This argument that Hirsch and Sizer have been having for years seems silly to me, because they can be combined. Hirsch's technique works for the younger kids because it doesn't seem like much on a challenge. However, as they get ready to leave elementary school and get ready to head middle school they are still gaining independence. As they get older they can be challenged with deeper thought. They can still learn the facts about a topic, but should then be eased into thinking about the significance or alternatives of the topic.

Friday, March 12, 2010

HW 44- Big Expectations For School

Everyone has big expectations of school myself included. School is supposed to be a learning environment where you learn things form American History to calculus. However, a lot of the time I am not learning to better myself, but rather to just push through. A lot of the time I feel like I go to school, do the work, and make sure I understand the material because that is what I'm supposed to do. That's what I'm supposed to do if I want to go to a good college, and get a decent paying job. In other words I do this so i can achieve the basic American idea of success.

I feel like education in America is set up for me to ignore this feeling, but still keeps me going with this plan that the norm is supposed to follow. I get this from the liberal arts Op-Ed piece as well. Last year as I was getting my college list together, I was trying to decide if a big university of a small liberal arts school was the best for me. I kept hearing that liberal arts colleges would provide me with a 'well rounded education' that I would need as an adult. This article seems to focus how the liberal arts education route will help the student in their career. Besides enhancing critical thinking and communication skills, basic learning skills are needed in the work force. On one hand I feel like liberal arts is a great way to develop thinking skills and make the smarter. However I feel like they are a part of the setup as well. Yeah, they are trying to create better development, but it seems like this only so we can get a good job. I'm not sure whether I think liberal arts schools are good or bad. I think that it's just another way to make us think that it's a better institution than what was previously offered, basically it's preparing us for the same thing, but in a different way.

As I was reading the Op-Ed article on liberal arts colleges, they mention how their schools prepares students to be better employees. The opinion piece about separate schools for employees and entrepreneurs by Robert Kiyosaki (author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"). I never considered that school is preparing us to be good employees instead of good business leaders/owners. By giving this option, I think that everyone is going to feel like they are too good for being an employee. I feel like everyone is going to aim to become an entrepreneur, who will be willing to work as an employee anymore? I do agree that American education needs an 'injection on innovation' to make it a better system, but I don't think that this is the innovation it needs.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

HW 41

Source 1:
Burke, B. (1999, 2005) 'Antonio Gramsci, schooling and education', the encyclopedia of informal education, http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-gram.htm.
This article (compiled by Barry Burke), talks about Antonio Gramisci an (Italian phiosopher) and his ideas on schools and education. I know he was from early 1900's Italy, but he brings up a good point about Ideological Hegemony. He tries to explain how ideological hegemony relates to school being a big part of society, and how education is used to sort people.
Even though this article was a little challenging, I think that Gramisci believed that education was a way for a society to prepare kids for jobs and positions with power. he viewed education to be another way to keep people in that society 'in their place'.

Source 2:
Bennett, James R. "Corporate and Government Control of Education in the United States." Education Resources Information Center. 1986. Web. 22 Feb 2010. .
This is a brief abstract of an opinion paper about the influence the government/corporations has on education in America. It mentions how schools (mainly colleges) rely on the on the government in order to do well. It's also another way for corporations and and the government to control education. Even though it's brief, this overview mentions how education and government go hand in hand. Institutions rely on the government/corporations money for funding (research, scholarship money , etc.), while the government/corporations rely on the institutions for backing and support.

Source 3:
Kohn, Alfie. "The Corporate Role in the High- stakes Testing Obsession & Other Methods of Turning Education into a Buisness." Reclaim Democracy. oct 2002. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .
This article also explores the affect corporations have on public education. Kohn believes that corporations involvement in public education has caused America's students to become basically a test taking product. Corporations use school and students to advertise their product not in cafeterias, buses, and through the products they are trying to sell. Kohn brought to my attention how these companies even work their product/advertising into our curriculum. I found this article interesting but only somewhat informative. I would have to check up on some of the facts that he presents in this article.

Garcia, David R. "Profiting form Public Education: Education Management Organizations and Student Achievement." ERIC (2009): n. pag. Web. 4 Mar 2010. .
This is just an abstract about a study that was conducted in Arizona (2001) comparing and contrasting EMO charter schools and non-EMO charter schools. This article briefly mentions how most EMO charter schools, the for-profit educational management organization have authority over curriculum and instruction. Some people feel that an EMO charter school will provide their chid with a better education with a higher level of academics. Based on the results, even though test scores were sightly higher compared to non-EMO charter schools, EMO schools lacked reading comprehension and complex thinking skills.

Possible Source 1:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For-profit_school For profit schools are not only focused on the benefit of the child, but also profit. supported by businesses/corporations for funding.

Possible Source 2:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW 38- Cool Project

Cool can be interpreted so many different ways. Whether you are the cool one, trying to be cool, or aren't trying to be cool, cool is always present. The idea of trying to be cool eventually crosses everyones mind. Even if you are not trying to be cool, you are still thinking about cool. In Alicia and I video, we tried to focus on how people aspect of cool can affect a person. Everyone has a desire to be cool and uses the people around them to influence which type of cool they want to be apart of. In our video we focus on the labels/stereotypes that are present in our school. There is always someone who doesn't seem to fit in with a certain 'clique', and fail miserably when they do try to fit in.

Alicia's character knows that she doesn't fit in with a certain group, and hates being the outcast. She sees girls come into the bathroom that know where they fit in and tries to see if she would fit in as well. She sees Esther the Asian girl that's into anime, Egypt the cocky jock, Brittani the confident fashionista, and Sandy the proper and poised good girl. Alicia tries to be like each of these girls by mimicking their pose in the mirror, just to get a disgusted rejected look from each of them (except Sandy). After watching our video, I hope people will question how much other people influence who you are. Although the message in our video is

Saturday, January 23, 2010

HW 37- Final Cool Paper

Whether they realize it or not, everyone is worried about being cool. We are more worried about how other people view us and if they accept us or not. I believe people are engrossed into this is superficial view of cool, instead of what is causing this desire for the coolness. The idea of being cool actually comes from feeling meaningless. There is something missing that causes people to have this empty feeling, in turn making them crave attention (or the need to be cool). What exactly is missing though? Is it something that we as humans are commonly missing which is causing us to crave attention? Trying to be cool makes us feel important. We cover up our insecurities with this important feeling that gives our lives meaning.

While in a class discussion, it was hard for us to come to a conclusion what was really cool. People were trying to seem down to earth by saying that they didn't think that they were cool, therefore there is no set definition of cool. However, when Andy asked us to name people we thought were cool in our grade, most responses were: Jerald, Anias, Egypt, Charles, and Javon. When you think about these 5 people, they share some similar characteristics. For the most part they all play a sport, are boys, buy what some say are expensive clothes, and are black. They all appear confident in who they are, and put on like they don't care what anyone thinks of them. Even if they don't recognize that they are considered cool, they still put on this mask to hide their insecurities.

I feel that the media contributes to teenagers opinion of cool. Celebrities are admired by most of society because they are something we are not. They have a talent that everyone doesn't have, they seem confident in who they are, and they make enough money to buy the lavish things that they want... so who who wouldn't want to be like them? Celebrities have such an impact on the teenager consumer, that they are directly dictating what is/should be cool, whether it's shoes (Michael Jordan = Jordan's), Drinks (Derek Jeter = Gatorade, 50 Cent = Vitamin Water), or even food (Michael Phelps = Subways). By endorsing these products, they are showing us what we should buy, look like, and even act like. If we try to emulate them, then we will feel our lives will have meaning just like theirs.

From these responses, I would have to say that teenagers (especially in our school) are clear on what they think is cool. Confident sport players that can afford expensive clothes seems to be the cool trend. Kids are doing whatever they can to buy the Prada shoes or the Monlcler jackets because that is what is portrayed as cool. The 'cool' kids are seen as important people, so if they have these material items they will be cool too... right? I understand that we are only in high school, but it's troubling that having superficial items gives us the satisfaction of having a meaningful life.

Tattoos, a permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of pricking and ingraining an indelible pigment or by raising scars, are another thing that people do to be cool. It's crazy that a lot of people have, but most want these ingraining marks. A tattoo is looked at as a way for one to express themselves and shouldn't be a pointless fad that you have to live with for the rest of your life.

In the 1950's and 60's tattoos represented looking 'bad ass', and being a rebel. However, in 2009 people get tattoos for obscene reasons. I feel that sometimes people get a tattoo is used as an excuse for paying tribute to someone, such as their dead grandmother. Why is inking your skin the only way to remember your grandmother? Isn't there a picture you can carry in your wallet, or a piece of clothing you can keep forever? Tattoos have gone from being a selective and unique thing to becoming a trend. People are getting tattoos because everyone else is doing it. I agree with Mr. Fanning when he said "tattooing is a addictive fad that has become a part of American society." I am one of the many teens that is anxious to get their first tattoo. I know I sound like a hypocrite, but I'm going to follow this trend when I turn 18. Sometimes it seems like we hide behind the trend of tattoos and other things to hide the various flaws we see in our selves. Having this tattoo makes us cool, and look important to someone.

Ivan Ilych's obsession for being cool is portrayed through Leo Totsky's book "The Death of Ivan Ilych". Very similar to now, he feels that living a lavish lifestyle means that he is living a meaningful and important life. In reality, all it is giving him is acceptance in society. Before he gets sick, you can see how excited and happy he gets when he talks about decorating or buying things for himself. He wants to have nice to stand out in society. However in reality "it was just what is usually seen in the houses of people of moderate means who want to appear rich, and therefore only succeed in resembling others like them selves"(p.13). Very similar to today, everyone thinks that they are standing out by buying expensive things. How is that considered unique when everyone is doing the exact same thing. That shouldn't make you feel important, but like a follower. It seems like Ivan felt being accepted or 'popular' in society means that you were living a meaningful life.

The need to feel important to not only the people around you, but society is represented in "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison. The main character is a black man that has been given the chance to attend college. He felt that since he was one of the few black people in is town able to go to college, he was cool. His idea of cool, was being in charge, and having a title. He wanted to succeed only because it would make him better than other blacks, and give him a sense of importance.

His idea of cool was being a man with a title. All he really wanted was to feel important/needed in life. However, after he gets kicked out of college, unable to find work, and used by his 'brothers' in his brotherhood, his cool has no meaning. He was working so hard towards this, that when it was taken away he "felt suddenly empty... up until now I had felt a wholeness... a wholeness that guaranteed that it would change the course of history" (p.406). Even though his cool wasn't based off of material items, he was trying to cover up his insecurities by making himself seem important. He was hoping this would give him a meaningful life.

The more I analyze cool, the more I wonder what is missing from people’s life, what makes them crave this attention? "Cool is not just some phase you go through... but rather something that if once attained remains for life.(p19), what makes this something that is hard to live without? I feel that this wanting cool stems from everyone wanting to feel approved, to mask their flaws/insecurities. Take a bully for example, he feels important because everyone is scared of him. He thrives off of the weakness of other kids to mask his own insecurities.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HW 36 - Triangle Partner Comments

Hey Devin,
From reading your paper, I got that your main idea was dangerous about trying to be cool. Worrying about what others think, consuming products that we think are cool. or just becoming a selfish person overall. All of this contributes to living a meaningless life.

I think that your main idea is revolving around being greedy means that you are cool, but I wasn't really sure. Based on how you related your thesis back to Shakespear (Macbeth, Hamlet) and also Leo Tolstoy's book 'The Death of Ivan Ilych' supported your idea of greediness and how it could lead to a meaningless life.

- I think that to make your main idea more sharp, you could add maybe a little more personal experiences, or what you see around you.
- Also I think that maybe if you added your opinion on the benefits of giving into these cool norms (if you belive there are any benefits, if not why?)
- You're second paragraph about the 'the death of Ivan Ilych' goes along with your paragraph about 'Feed'. It would be interesting if you connected 'The Death of Ivan Ilych' to how the Feed caused the teenagers to binge on material things.

Hey Julie,
Your current thesis is that teenagers trying to be cool affects them in many different ways. However I think you should consider changing it to "teenagers ideas of cool revolves around different social groups, cultural plans, gender roles etc. (ok maybe not this exact one... but consider being a little bit more specific lol)

- I think that you should relate your thesis back to some of the thing we learned in class (i.e. cool pose, cultural maps, tattoos, and the story you wrote.)
- Your paper doesn't really analyze the idea of cool. I think you should go deeper into why do you think teens do these things to be cool. Incorporate the idea of "saving face" or performer vs. character. How do you think this relates to teenagers today?
-You mention that everyone is playing roles. Even though you may not consider your self cool, but what are somethings you do to fit in? You think everyone should 'just get over themselves and give it up' but is it really as easy as you make it seem? Who are you following and are you willing to give it up and be yourself (if that even exist)?

Great start though!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rough Draft of Cool Paper

Everyone whether the realize it or not is worried about being cool. They are worried about how other people will view them or even accept them. people are mainy conscerned with the superficial view of cool, and not what causes this desire to become cool. I think that the idea of being cool actually comes from feeling meaningless. There is something missing that causes people to have this meaningless feeling, in turn making them crave attention (or the need to be cool). What exactly is missing though? Is it something that we as humans are commonly missing which is causing us to crave attention?

worrying about appearance is also seen in "The Death of Ivan Ilych". Living up to society's standards is something most people strive to do. In 2009, people are living their lives just to be accepted by the people around them, but also to be accepted by society. Living up to what our culture believes is right and in turn 'cool' can make people satisfied with the way they live their life ( for the most part).In "The Death of Ivan Ilych" Ivan does whatever it takes to live by society's standards (in mid 1800's). He does all he can so he can be viewed as important, whether it's his prestige in the courts or how he decorates his house. He always has to feel that he is approved by others.

Ivan Ilych is portrayed as a man who has it all he comes from a good family, has a good paying job, marries a woman from a good family, and is also handsome. However, his life is centered around his job in the courts. He believes that the most important thing in his life is "his official duties. The whole interest in his life now centered in the official world and that interest absorbed him" (p.11). He is not only absorbed by his duties in office, but by what position he holds. He has to have the job that will pay the most money to fit his lifestyle. He has to have the job with the highest honor and respect.I find it interesting how he overlooks everything else in his life besides his job. He lets this idea of having authority and importance take over his life and consume all of his happiness.I feel like he is selling him short by having this attitude towards life. He isn't able to see what is truly meaningful to him and not what he thinks others think should be meaningful. He has this idea that being approved and accepted by everyone is the most meaningful thing in his life.

Besides being obsessed with his job, Ivan Ilych is also obsessed with material things. Very similar to now, he feels that living a lavish lifestyle means that he is living a meaningful and important life. In reality, all it is giving him is acceptance in society. Before he gets sick, you can see how excited and happy he gets when he talks about decorating or buying things for himself. He wants to have nice to stand out in society. However in reality "it was just what is usually seen in the houses of people of moderate means who want to appear rich, and therefore only succeed in resembling others like them selves"(p.13). Very similar to today, everyone thinks that they are standing out by buying expensive things. How is that considered unique when everyone is doing the exact same thing. That shouldn't make you feel important, but like a follower. It seems like Ivan felt being accepted or 'popular' in society means that you were living a meaningful life.

"Ivan Ilych's life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible." Ivan Ilych has wasted most of his life worrying about the approval of others, rather than focusing on more important things. He is so blinded by other things that it is keeping him from living a more meaningful life. Once he realizes this, it's a little too late.

Besides hair, clothes, and accessories. People (especially teenagers) feel like getting a tattoo will boost their appearance and their level of cool. The definition of a tattoo is a "permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of pricking and ingraining an indelible pigment or by raising scars" (thefreedictionary.com). When a tattoo is put this way it definitely seems less glamorous, however it sounds more bad ass. Tattoos have become apart of American culture, no matter what race. A tattoo is looked at as a right of passage in some ways for many people. Going against parents rules and branding your self with something that will be with you for the rest of your life provides a high. Especially for the first one. With all of this on my mind, I still wonder what is the real fascination people have with tattoos. I am one of those teenagers who cant wait until they get this design on their body that will be with them forever. I guess the idea that I'm the only one with that exact tattoo makes me feel unique and special. Even though I don't know what i want yet, I cant wait to get a tattoo.

A lot of the people I talked to had mixed feelings about tattoos. The older the person was, the more it seemed like they regretted the decision of getting a tattoo. When I asked my mom about her two tattoos, she said she didn't regret the tattoos themselves, but the fact that she got them. She regrets her following her friends to get tattoos one late night (but not what she got a tattoo of). Older people seem to regret following the norm, and giving in to the whole idea of getting a tattoo(even if they don't agree with it).

However when I asked my friends closer to my age, they felt the same way I did. Some don't have any tattoos yet but aren't far off form getting their first one. My boyfriend has 4 tattoos at 19. His tattoos range from a 'mural' for a his little brother that past to a quote "Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are". He explained how every tattoo had some type of meaning to him and what he has experienced in his life. He didn't want to regret any of his tattoos because he this is a life long thing. It seemed like most of the people I talked too strayed away from getting a 'tramp stamp' or something meaningless. People are more conscious about what they are getting on their bodies and how it represents them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HW 34- Cool Pose

In New York City, it is very easy to see the different types of cool represented by teenagers. Whether it's the book smart asian kids that rarely care about their appearance, to the black kids who spend about $1000 on one outfit to wear to school (treating it like a fashion). Then you have the asian kids who try to act (or at least dress) 'black', clad in there baggy jeans and Jordan's. I think It's interesting how based off of ones cultural map, they are considered a 'good cool' or a 'bad cool'. What about the people who try to include themselves in another cultural map, who are they really cool too? This person isn't thought of as cool to the people in his cultural map because he doesn't WANT to be like them, however he isn't cool in respects to the other cultural map because he's trying too hard to be something he isn't. So which cool are they... the good cool (book smart) or bad cool (smoking weed and skipping school)?

I think these ideas of good and bad cools not only comes from cultural maps, but society in general. America is all about making money and becoming successful. I feel that people working towards that are always considered a good cool. on the other hand, people who do just the opposite are looked at critically. For the most part, I feel that black and hispanic people are the ones who are left with that bad cool reputation (I'm not saying that this is a bad thing...). You don't really see blacks who are motivated to become anything else besides basketball players, rappers, or something else that will get them rich quick. These culture maps are set in stone, as if to say only this map can be used for group of people. The person who decides to go against this map is looked at as an outcast. I find this crazy because why should someone who is trying to make something out of themselves (in a positive way) be looked down on just because it doesn't agree with the cultural map passed down to them. Shouldn't they be kind of role model/motivator for others to do better?

Not following a certain stereotype is something that is frowned upon. Why must people stick to their own cultural maps, and become outcasts if they don't. Who put this idea in our heads that we must 'stay in our place'? Why can't the cultural map you are given, eventually lead to a different map?

I feel that a lot of people try to make new maps for themselves. But i think it's almost impossible to create a totally new one. I feel that people try to create new maps, but end up going right back to the one that is already set for them. Even if they are able to make another map for themselves, i think that part of the old one had influence on them and will always be with them. I think we may just have to except being locked into the map into the culture map that we were given. "We real cool. We left school" is something that is locked into any black people's already laid out plan. Because of this, I think that "We die soon" is something that we are going to have to expect to be the end point of some of our maps.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cool Paper Outline

Thesis: Everything around us has an influence on our want to be cool. Everything that influences this cool pushes us into many different social circles with out knowing it. Cool seems to be a natural want for humans in general, even if we don't know it?

Argument 1: What do teenagers think it takes to be cool
-Ideas of Cool (Stories)
-What does cool look like(attitude, appearance)
- Is it harmful dangerous to have this idea of cool

Argument 2- What influences this 'cool'
-race/living environment
-what society expects of you
-How it come natural to people (Goffman)
-Tattoos (what is cool about them)?

Conclusion- Summary of everythinh

Thursday, January 7, 2010

HW 32- Tatoos

The definition of a tattoo is a "permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of pricking and ingraining an indelible pigment or by raising scars" (thefreedictionary.com). When a tattoo is put this way it definitely seems less glamorous, however it sounds more bad ass. Tattoos have become apart of American culture, no matter what race. A tattoo is looked at as a right of passage in some ways for many people. Going against parents rules and branding your self with something that will be with you for the rest of your life provides a high. Especially for the first one. With all of this on my mind, I still wonder what is the real fascination people have with tattoos. I am one of those teenagers who cant wait until they get this design on their body that will be with them forever. I guess the idea that I'm the only one with that exact tattoo makes me feel unique and special. Even though I don't know what i want yet, I cant wait to get a tattoo.

A lot of the people I talked to had mixed feelings about tattoos. The older the person was, the more it seemed like they regretted the decision of getting a tattoo. When I asked my mom about her two tattoos, she said she didn't regret the tattoos themselves, but the fact that she got them. She regrets her following her friends to get tattoos one late night (but not what she got a tattoo of). Older people seem to regret following the norm, and giving in to the whole idea of getting a tattoo(even if they don't agree with it).

However when I asked my friends closer to my age, they felt the same way I did. Some don't have any tattoos yet but aren't far off form getting their first one. My boyfriend has 4 tattoos at 19. His tattoos range from a 'mural' for a his little brother that past to a quote "Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are". He explained how every tattoo had some type of meaning to him and what he has experienced in his life. He didn't want to regret any of his tattoos because he this is a life long thing. It seemed like most of the people I talked too strayed away from getting a 'tramp stamp' or something meaningless. People are more conscious about what they are getting on their bodies and how it represents them.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Extra Credit 2- Tolstoy cool

In Ivan Ilych's culture it is the norm to try to live a lavish lifestyle. Obtaining a job that can provide that lifestyle is a must for them, especially Ivan. Ivan wasn't happy unless he had the best position in the courts, that could support his lavish lifestyle. I think that many people feel the same way in our society. When I asked my family members and friends 'what is your ultimate goal in life' many described the idea of success and having a lot of money. Everyone aspires to be successful not because they really care about the difference they can make, but rather how their salary is going to support/boost their lifestyle. I feel that everything in our culture media, parents/family, and even school supports this messed up way to live our lives.

Being a senior in high school, my main focus is applying to colleges. Picking the right college for me is crucial right now. Whether I want a big or small school, what I'm going to major in, and which school will give be the best education. Yes, some may really want a good education, but why do they want this education? I don't think it is because the want to be an all around educated person, but rather they know that having a higher education will lead them to a higher paying job. College is seen as the only ticket to living this desired lifestyle that society has a big influence on.

My ultimate goal right now is to attend college, get a well paying job, and hopefully start a family. Not only did i get these goal s from the norms in society, but also from my family. Besides going to college because my mom tells me I have to, I know college is the only way for me to become a doctor. I have always been the person who loved caring for people and helping others when they are in need. However, I would be lying if I said money didn't play a part in me wanting to become a doctor. The average starting salary for a pediatrician is about $100,000. That money could possibly provide me a better lifestyle than I am used to. Also being a doctor gives you a feel of authority that wouldn't be so bad either. Having people listen to me just because I have the 'expertise' would feel good too. Authority along with the salary seems like a desirable goal for many other people as well.

Even though I have some plans for my life, I don't always agree with them. Based on the way I had to live my life as a child, I knew that I wanted my future to be much better for me (and my future family). It seems like money would solve a lot of problems, and ultimately make life easier. Based on the map I have made for my self, my tone of life is based off of success. Just like Ivan Ilych, I think i would be too engrossed into my job/career. Not to he point where I ignored every thing and everyone else in my life, rather to do what ever possible so I could further my career and be the best. Besides success, I think that materialistic would be another way to describe my life in the future. I have always been taught/seen how much joy and satisfaction material things can bring someone. I don't necessarily agree with this lifestyle but I do play into it. I'm not sure what other tone my life could have.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Extra credit 1- Tolstoy Cool

a. How does Ivan's quest for status, advancement, prestige, and generally the approval of others endanger his chance to live a more meaningful life?

Living up to society's standards is something most people strive to do. In 2009, people are living their lives just to be accepted by the people around them, but also to be accepted by society. Living up to what our culture believes is right and in turn 'cool' can make people satisfied with the way they live their life ( for the most part).In "The Death of Ivan Ilych" Ivan does whatever it takes to live by society's standards (in mid 1800's). He does all he can so he can be viewed as important, whether it's his prestige in the courts or how he decorates his house. He always has to feel that he is approved by others.

Ivan Ilych is portrayed as a man who has it all he comes from a good family, has a good paying job, marries a woman from a good family, and is also handsome. However, his life is centered around his job in the courts. He believes that the most important thing in his life is "his official duties. The whole interest in his life now centered in the official world and that interest absorbed him" (p.11). He is not only absorbed by his duties in office, but by what position he holds. He has to have the job that will pay the most money to fit his lifestyle. He has to have the job with the highest honor and respect.I find it interesting how he overlooks everything else in his life besides his job. He lets this idea of having authority and importance take over his life and consume all of his happiness.I feel like he is selling him short by having this attitude towards life. He isn't able to see what is truly meaningful to him and not what he thinks others think should be meaningful. He has this idea that being approved and accepted by everyone is the most meaningful thing in his life.

Besides being obsessed with his job, Ivan Ilych is also obsessed with material things. Very similar to now, he feels that living a lavish lifestyle means that he is living a meaningful and important life. In reality, all it is giving him is acceptance in society. Before he gets sick, you can see how excited and happy he gets when he talks about decorating or buying things for himself. He wants to have nice to stand out in society. However in reality "it was just what is usually seen in the houses of people of moderate means who want to appear rich, and therefore only succeed in resembling others like them selves"(p.13). Very similar to today, everyone thinks that they are standing out by buying expensive things. How is that considered unique when everyone is doing the exact same thing. That shouldn't make you feel important, but like a follower. It seems like Ivan felt being accepted or 'popular' in society means that you were living a meaningful life.

"Ivan Ilych's life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible." Ivan Ilych has wasted most of his life worrying about the approval of others, rather than focusing on more important things. He is so blinded by other things that it is keeping him from living a more meaningful life. Once he realizes this, it's a little too late.