Sunday, September 27, 2009

HW #6

I cant help it... from Aja on Vimeo.

While watching my video I was suprised at what I saw. I was sitting there at 1 o'clock listening to music, on the computer, and texting on my phone...all because I ahd nothing better to do. It was also suprising because this has become my routine over the summer. Sitting in the same spot until the wee hours of the morning doing all of these things, but still not getting anything done. Anything productive atleast.

After watching this video I noticed that I am missing out on a lot of opprutunites by sitting here night after night after night. Instead of sitting here for hours at a time, I could've been doing a lot of things other than this. I noticed that my mom and i could have been haver talking to eachother instead of me in the living room and her in her room. I think that we would talk to eachother more and get along better if we didn't have all these different digital devices seperating her. I can admit that i would rather watch t.v or talk on my phone than talk to my mom sometimes. I think that these digital devices contribute to the problem.

In my video it looked like I was enjoying what I was doing, but as I look back on it I can not remember what was making me smile. I think that this goes to show that these devices are satisfying in the moment, but is hardly ever important enough for it to be remembered.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW 7

Question: How does this boom of digitalization affecting you? What do you realize about yourself that you have different digital devices, compared to when you didn't?

Response (Mom): It's affecting me in a positive way. Having these digital devices makes doing everyday things alot more efficient(ex: paying bills etc.). I would much rather be completley digital, than for things to go back to the way they were.
(I didn't think that this was a standard question. But based off of the response I got I think that this is a standard question and response)

As I went around asking people on the street "What do you think our society be without digital devices" and more specifically "How do you think my generation would cope without these devices". An elderly woman on 21 and 3rd told me that "we've had a society without t.v.'s, computers, cell phones etc., so it is possible for us to go back to not having any of these things". She thought that our society made it seem like we are in a whole new lifetime. That "we don't like to think about life without technology because we would rather forget about it. When I asked an elderly patient at my internship what she thought about digitalization, and how it effects my generation, she replied with the simple answer "your generation is socially retarded." She explained that as she reads applicaations submitted by teenagers to her job, the spelling and punctuation is horrible, and they never seem qualified enough. (This seemed like somewhat of a standard answer. I expected somone older to answer like that.)

When I asked my best friend Christopher these same questions, he responded with " I thinkt he shit is hot, but a little scary"(typical lolz). He went on to say that he felt like technology in general would eventually takeover. That we would all be controled by technology in some way, whether it was having little computer chips in us to track our every move, or having everything operated with computers (driving, taking care of kida, etc.).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Comments...

Comment To Quinn Wu..
While reading your blog, I like how you used what's going on in your life and the people around you lives in your blog. You used your/their experiences to relate to the questions that you had about digital media.

In your blog you made a major point about various types of digital media being used for good, and also being used to distract us from doing important things/things we should be doing.

In your last paragraph as you talk about getting distracted while you we4re doing this assignment, I think that most teenagers are like that. Many do homework and stuff in front of the tv or while looking at other websites on the internet.

Your post was very good and thought out, but there were a few things that you could have talked about more. For example, at one pooint in your post you say that the internet can lead to a "fight or a crime". But it seems like it doesn't fit into that paragraph, you are in the middle of another argument/thought. You should talk more on this topic, and how you feel about it.

Your post makes me think about how the internet keeps me from a lot of things. Maybe if I didn't use the internet for so many useless reasons, I would get a lot mroe accomplished.This is a great first post, and i can tell that you put a lot of thought into it... Keep Up The Guud Work =]

Comment To Richard Y.
I can see that you put a lot of thought into your post. I appreciate how many examples you put from everyday life into your post as well.

Your post is mainly about the different ways the internet can be used, the good, the bad, and everything in between. Everything from using it to find out more information to using it to harm others.

The different ways to use the internet, whether good or bad, is what is really drwaing people to these screens. I think that teenagers everywhere are drawn to the internet by at least one of these aspects.

Even though your post is very good, i think that you could have related the way you view these digital medias to your life. To see if there are personal expriences to help back up your views.

When you talk about the blogs and the people that comment on them, i totally agree with you. I think that people who comment ont hese blogs takes whats on them too seriously, and view it as a major part of their lives. I also think that they are using the blogs to fill some type of lonliness that they have.

There are some great thoughts/points in this post. Keep Up The Guud Work =]

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thoughts and Views on Electronic Media

When talking about the electronic/digital era that we are now in, I think it's obvious that we (mostly teenagers) are becoming dependent on it. It's very rare to find a teenager without texting on their phone, or without a myspace/ facebook/ AIM/ or twitter account. I think that we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves if we didn't have some type of technology.

I think that these different types of electronic media has allowed us to eliminate our means of communication that we would have used 10 or maybe 20 years ago. I know personally that I would rather text my mom rather calling her. It seems faster to get my point across and a lot less annoying. Writing letters are being replaced with writing emails. Instead of calling someone up and asking how he or she is doing, a comment/post is left on their facebook. Maybe soon this will become the norm for communication.

Even though technology/digital is becoming the new way to do almost everything, i don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing. These various digital devices have made our a life somewhat easier. For example, ATM machines have made banking such an easier process. Instead of standing online waiting for  a teller to make deposits into an account, ATM  machines take cash deposits. Not to mention the touch screen also makes it a lot easier.

A question that I came across as I was posting this assignment was how this new technology is effecting jobs, it seems like a lot of job people could do (or have done in the past) are being replaced with computers. Many customer services representatives are being replaced with computers/ automated voices. How will this affect people getting jobs in the future? How many jobs will be replaced with computers/other digital media. These are just a few of my views on electronic/digital media.

To Alicia--- I totally agree with you about staying a couple of steps behind new technology or the new fads. Everyone is on this twitter high and i feel like i'm the only one without one lolz. i just don't see the point of posting you every action for almost everyone to see..

great post though =D